So after using this app for a while I mostly understand it. Its good for movie trailers but thats it. I have reasons telling why Splice is way better than this.
1. Time lapse: in Splice you can make videos go faster or slower and can even choose how long you want the picture to last for. Not iMovie.
2. User friendly: Splice although being confusing at times is much easier to use. I have been using splice for all my video editing and combined with Autodesk Sketchbook it is perfect.
3. Cutting/Duplicating: in Spice it is easy to cut videos and duplicate parts. In this there is no "cut" or at least I cant see one, proof of 2.
Overall this app I do not recommend and if you want a nice editing system get Splice, not this.
Feggbddcffh? about iMovie, v2.2.3