Everything about iMovie is easy to use, and overall its great. As someone with no computer, my phone is where I have to edit all of my video. This is fine and all, and I dont expect it to have all of the features a fully-fledged application would have.
With that being said, the text options are TERRIBLE. Why in 2017 am I limited to a handful of text style choices? AND WHY ARE THEY ALL ANIMATED? I just want to pick from a handful of fonts and to choose my size, color and placement in the video. SNAPCHAT has this feature.
I know I can use other apps to accomplish the same thing, but why would I want to do that? Its massively inconvenient, which I always thought was against Apples design philosophy.
I feel like Apple could implement this tomorrow, and they should.
3/5 I need a computer...
LiamMcCarthy about iMovie, v2.2.3