The Frustrating Cycle of iMovie Glitches
My mind cant comprehend the fact that Apple can hold so much pride in their products and essential apps when it comes to ones like these. The amount of glitches and crashes in this app is about as comparable to one of those cheap video editing apps youd scroll past and laugh at. Heck, I downloaded one of those just to see how itd turn out, and even THOSE apps have less glitches and more features than the "magnificent", $4.99 iMovie. To say that Im disappointed in this app is an understatement. Id spend hours editing a video project for school, or sometimes maybe even just for fun. It would all turn out great after I make the finishing touches. But when I press that play button to watch the final result of all my hard work...Video is laggy and choppy, audio is completely mixed up, and all my hard work flushes down the drain. This has happened to me more than once, and each time itd happen Id delete the app in utter frustration, re-download a few months later hoping it had a decent update that fixed all the bugs, and then the cycle starts all over again. Why the heck am I deleting all of my actually entertaining and decent apps to make space for an expensive video editor thats just like all of the other free ones? Is there any effort put into this app whatsoever, or is the franchise name "Apple" just shoved in there to hide the fact that the app is pure garbage? For now, it seems as though the latter is the honest answer. However, after all, this is a billion dollar company were talking about. So Im going to delete this app again, hoping a few months from now itd have a decent update where I can successfully edit projects without any bugs. But please...Please dont let that frustrating cycle start again.
It Can do Better about
iMovie, v2.2.3